30 Of The Funniest Women You Should Be Following On Twitter

There are so many funny people on Twitter, but it can be difficult to discover them in a jungle full of parody accounts and people still checking in on 4Square. To help you get the most out of your Twitter experience, here are 30 of the funniest ladies you should add to your timeline immediately. By no means are these the ONLY funny ones, but it’s a great place to start! Also these aren’t ranked in any way. They’re all wonderful.

1. Abby Cohenwl
Not only is Abby constantly hilarious, she also finds and retweets some of the best jokes you’ll see on Twitter. She’s a gem.

2. Charlene deGuzman
Charlene has such a unique voice. She definitely won’t flood your timeline with countless tweets every day, but you’ll look forward to each and every thing she posts.

3. Amber Tozer
Amber can take just about anything and turn it into a hilarious joke. She’s one of those people that you can constantly rely on for solid jokes no matter what. She’s fantastic.

4. Eden Dranger
Eden can do it all. She hits on pop culture, politics, random observations and everything else in between. She’s pretty much a necessity to your timeline.

5. Jay Kay
She absolutely kills it on Twitter and has the ability to find so many funny tweets from people you’re probably not following. Not only is she a great source of original jokes, following her is a fantastic way to find other accounts you may have missed.

6. Maura Quint
Maura is as smart as she is funny and incredibly nice on top of that. It’s a rare combination that’s so good, she should be a required follow when creating an account.

7. Karen Kilgariff
Karen has done it all and is constantly writing for television and performing onstage, yet still finds time to tweet hilarious jokes on a near constant basis. She does jokes, and she does them well.

8. Albertina Rizzo
Not only does she write the jokes your friends quote from the Internet, she writes the jokes your friends quote from late night television, as well. She’s one of the best.

9. Aparna Nancherla
No one is better at making the simple more hilarious than Aparna. The only thing better than reading her tweets is watching her perform live. If she’s doing a show near you, do yourself a favor and check it out.

10. Audrey Farnsworth
It’s honestly not fair to see how funny Audrey is. Not only will you want to follow her, you’ll want to turn on her notifications so there’s not a chance you’ll miss a single one of her tweets. She’s the top one percent of funny.

11. Gloria Fallon
Very few people can take the ordinary and spin it into something absolutely hilarious as well as Gloria. She tweets all the things that you wished you had thought of first.

12. Lana Berry
If you have any interest in sports whatsoever and you’re not following Lana, you’re doing the Internet incorrectly. She makes watching sports better and provides all the breaking news in a way much more entertaining than following a bunch of sports news accounts.

13. Lindzeta
She makes the kind of jokes that you don’t just laugh at, you copy the link to the tweet and send it to 20 of your friends because you can’t be the only one laughing like this in public.

14. Megan Amram
Megan was one of the first must-follow comedy accounts on Twitter and, not only has she not burned out, she gets better every day. If not following isn’t illegal, then it probably should be.

15. NicCageMatch
I have never not been excited to see her name pop up in my timeline. She’s quick-witted, sharp and can take a subject you never expected and spin it into something hilarious.

16. Tamara Yajia
Following her is more like an experience. She does things unlike anyone else and will make you rethink the way jokes can be told. She’ll make you better at jokes.

17. OhNoSheTwitnt
There really isn’t a topic that she can’t make hilarious and there also really isn’t a topic that she can’t relate to “Game of Thrones” or “Frozen.” It’s like an art form.

18. Chelsea Lockwood
Chelsea is so funny that it’s hard to imagine what my timeline was like before following her. If she ever decides to stop tweeting, they should fly all the flags at half-mast.

19. PeachCoffin
Not only is she consistently funny, she also constantly innovates the medium by creating movie scenes using emojis and words in her tweets. You honestly just have to see it for yourself and thank me later.

20. ElleOhHell
Just go read through her tweets. No pitch is necessary because as soon as you start scrolling through her timeline, you’ll get what all the fuss is about. She is just about as funny as they get.

21. Moody Monday
I’m not being the least bit dramatic when I saw that she’s probably in my top three favorite accounts on all of Twitter. The only possible complaint I could have is that she doesn’t tweet nearly enough. I check her timeline like she’s giving away golden tickets to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

22. GoldenGateBlond
She was one of the first people I followed on Twitter and, if you’re just now looking for the best people to follow, here’s where to start. She’s one of the all-time greats.

23. Stephanie McMaster
No one is better at finding the hilarity in being a parent than Stephanie. She says the things you never realized you always thought. It’s crazy to think that there are people who haven’t followed her yet.

24. Liz Hackett
Liz should be a staple of your Twitter experience and slips in there almost every day with an absolutely amazing joke. It’s crazy to think that one person could be as talented as she is.

25. Eireann Dolan
Eireann has one of the most brilliant voices I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering. You won’t find a better account to follow on Twitter than hers. She’s the best of the best.

26. 1FollowerNoDad
I don’t know how I started following her, but thank goodness I did, because she isn’t one of those people that might put out a decent joke every once in a while. She’s putting out top-notch stuff on such a consistent basis you’ll question if she’s actually some sort of joke writing robot. I’m fairly certain she’s not, but you can’t be too sure.

27. Eliza Bayne
There’s a reason you see her jokes everywhere and that’s because she’s one of the best joke writers out there today. Seriously, her stuff is on TV, the Internet, in magazines and pretty much anywhere that a good joke could live. Save yourself the searching and just follow her brilliant account.

28. Dani Fernandez
Not only is she one of the funniest people on the Internet, she’s also one of the nicest. You’ll measure your time on Twitter as “before following Dani” and “after following Dani.”

29. TribalSpaceCat
Trust me, she’ll become one of your favorite follows within days of adding her to your timeline. She’s laugh out loud funny with a comedic voice that gets better with every post.

30. Mary Kobayashi
Instead of just posting jokes, Mary live tweets life, but in a way that’s so entertaining and funny, you’ll be upset she isn’t your actual friend. Even if I didn’t have an account, I would still bookmark Mary’s page to keep up with it because it’s simply fantastic.

Related: The 100 Funniest Tweets Of 2015


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