Today’s Funny Photos

Friends, I have some great news for you all. We have another batch of funnies! I mean, good news would have been we have a bunch of money or pizza for you, but we feel like a nice pile of Funny Photos is just as good. Please just humor us. And yes, pun intended. We are always “on.” Now I know what you’re thinking: “Can these Funny Photos possibly be as amazing as the last ones that I saw?” Well, I guess you’re just going to have to go ahead and see for yourself.


Now while you wait to see what happens next, you might as well entertain yourself by giving us a follow on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks!

If you’re trying to figure out if you missed yesterday’s Funny Photos don’t you worry, because we saved them for you. Now you don’t have an excuse not to look at them.

Want more? Well, I think you know how this goes, because we have plenty of more: Funny Photos just for you.