Guy Uses Mom’s Amazon Account To Buy Squirrel Halloween Costume For Second Year In A Row

That’s what moms are for.

Last year, brave soul Jake Wellbrock used his mom’s Amazon account for something very important: a Halloween costume. Jake was even forced to admit his bad deed in a group text with his family. Look at how sorry he was when he was found out:

This was the amazing and important costume Jake used his mom’s money to splurge on:

Jake’s mom learned from her mistake, though, and this year she decided to make her account password a tad more difficult. So, she just added one capital letter to her original password. Of course, Jake figured that out and bought another squirrel costume for his friend:

Hey, there’ s no reason why a dog shouldn’t celebrate Halloween, too:

And there’s definitely no reason why you and your dog shouldn’t dress up like squirrels and hit the town.

Via The Lad Bible

Use your mom’s Amazon account for these: Your Halloween Costume Will Never Be As Clever As These Costumes


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