Bizarre Super Mario Bros. Level Found in Dying Light

A bizarre Super Mario Bros. level has been found in Dying Light, with it being one of the most surreal Easter Eggs we’ve perhaps ever seen in a video game.

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The Easter Egg was discovered by YouTuber Arekkz Gaming, who details how to find it in the below video:

The Easter Egg sees the player able to explore a linear path that very closely resembles World 1-1 from the original Super Mario Bros. NES game, complete with Goombas (which are in actuality miniaturized zombies adopting the bloated shape of the familiar Nintendo enemy), green pipes and brown blocks to climb. It also features the crisp blue sky and cotton clouds featured in the Mario level. It’s a must-see Easter Egg for those who own the game.

Techland have placed a slew of hidden treasures in Dying Light that gamers have been eagerly seeking out since the game was released. This is by far the most awesome find thus far, though.


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