Good News, Everyone: There Won’t Be a New Adele Album This Year

There’s no getting past the fact that Adele is talented, but do you remember the years of 2011 and 2012? Do you remember the omnipresence of ‘Someone Like You’ following the release of her sophomore LP 21, or the bellowing of “set fire to the raaaaaaaaain!” from the speakers of every clothes shop from Topshop to Foot Locker? Of course you don’t. Those are repressed memories. 

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Since ‘Rolling in the Deep’ released back in 2010, all of Adele’s output has been forced down our throats with gleeful abandon, and history will repeat itself when the follow-up album to 21 is eventually released. Fortunately, 2014 will not be another Year of Adele, as the singer’s record label XL has revealed that her third LP won’t be making its way to store shelves this year. 

A financial report from XL obtained by Rolling Stone reads: “There will not be a further new release by Adele during 2014 and consequently there will be a fall in XL’s turnover and profits. Nevertheless, the directors are confident that by pursuing management policies… XL will continue to achieve success with other artists.”

While Adele fans will surely be disappointed by this news, for the rest of us who are in disbelief that we still have to endure listening to ‘Skyfall’ on the radio two years after the film was released, this is a blessing. 

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