Ex-STALKER and Metro Devs Seek Crowd-Funding for STALKER Spiritual Successor

Several developers who worked on the STALKER and Metro series are preparing a Kickstarter page for a game called Areal.

Areal is a spiritual successor to STALKER, with a post-apocalyptic world full of high-danger threats. Character traits influence the game heavily, and so do decisions made by the player. There’s also a deep weapon customization system that adds variety to the gameplay. It sounds a whole lot like a next-gen STALKER, which is a great thing for the many PC gamers who love the franchise.

Areal is officially described as the following:

Areal is a new video game that’s being developed by the people behind S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro: Last Light. It features a massive and intricately detailed open world environment that is extremely varied and colorful, even though it’s set in a post-apocalyptic setting. Areal depicts a future where civilization has fallen apart due to an unearthly material called Metamorphite, which eventually spreads, corrupts and infects the whole world. The source of Metamorphite comes from a meteor that impacted the earth long ago, and it is the site of constant conflict and bloodshed.

The newly founded studio spearheading this project is called West Games, and it’s comprised of key talent from GSC Game World, the studio that made all three STALKER games, as well as members of the Metro: Last Light team. Designers, programmers, and artists have converged for this ambitious project.

As of now, the plan is to acquire $30,000 in crowd-funding before moving forward with development. Right now all that exists is a concept and a variety of mock-ups in the form of hand-drawn art. Given STALKER‘s popularity with PC gamers, it shouldn’t be too difficult for Areal to hit its mark.

Backers will receive a variety of bonuses depending on how much they pledge. At $10 or more they’ll have access to a private developer forum, and at $25 they get a copy of the game, a soundtrack, map, and more. Those who have a large sum of money to invest can go for the $10,000 pledge and design one of the game’s missions, as well as integrate a custom character into the game’s narrative.

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If West Games gets enough funding, they will develop Areal for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac, Linux, and Wii U. Yes, the Wii U. Now that’s bold.

Areal’s Kickstarter page is up, but is currently in draft mode. On its page you can view some good-looking concept art and read more about the game.


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