Titanfall’s Expedition DLC Gets a Gameplay Trailer

Do you really think you’ve hung your hat up on Titanfall? Your break won’t last long, because its first DLC package, Expedition, is almost here.

The first ever gameplay trailer for Expedition is live (viewable above). Watching it you get a sense that Respawn Entertainment has purposefully crafted these three new maps to reward players who know how to parkour well. Whether it be you hopping from tree to tree like Predator, or revisiting your epic tutorial moments on Wargames (a Tron-esque map), you’re sure to have a good time.

More than anything, the variety between each map is commendable. Each of these three maps look completely different visually and in terms of design.

It’s worth noting that free content will arrive alongside Expedition, which includes new game modes and other welcome additions.

Titanfall Expedition will be released this month on PC and Xbox One, and in June for Xbox 360.