Sunset Overdrive’s First Gameplay Trailer is Here

It’d be an understatement to say that Sunset Overdrive is an important game for Microsoft. As it stands now, it’s one of a select few exclusives releasing on the Xbox One during the second half of 2014. It’s also in development by Insomniac Games, meaning there’s a huge amount of potential.

Today, we get our first look at Sunset Overdrive. Until now all that’s been shared is a CGI trailer which introduced the game’s colorful and wacky presentation. This is the first gameplay footage to ever been released.

Seen above, the first gameplay trailer is a home run. The game looks like an immense amount of fun. In a way, it’s reminiscent of Dead Rising due to its open world environment and over-the-top gameplay. However, this is a game that’s vibrant and quite the opposite of post-apocalyptic. 

Check out the trailer above and let us know what you think.

Sunset Overdrive will release exclusively on the Xbox One later this year.


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