Secrets and Treasure Trademark Hints at Unannounced Xbox One Game

What I can say with reasonably confidence is that it isn’t a shooter. Really, can you imagine a first-person shooter named Secrets and Treasure? I can’t. Introducing more genre variety this generation would be a wise move for Microsoft, and so far it has done well in achieving that with Ryse: Son of Rome and Dead Rising 3.

Head of Microsoft Studios Phil Spencer revealed yesterday that Microsoft has so much to announce that it’s had to cut announcements from its E3 Press Conference. Secrets and Treasure might be one of the included games.

Last year Microsoft’s strong E3 Press Conference showing was undermined by its poor handling of details surrounding its console, namely the DRM that would later be removed. Although they have a tough road ahead of them, a presentation similar to last year without controversial moves could keep them in a good position heading into the 2014 holiday season.


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