Hideo Kojima Shares his Top 5 Metal Gear Characters

It’s been almost 27 years since the first Metal Gear game was released on the market. Although it’s evolved substantially since then both in gameplay and design one thing has remained constant: Hideo Kojima.

Kojima has been the designer of ever Metal Gear game since the first. Naturally, he’s looked up to like a gaming god for fans of the series, and gaming gods have opinions, too. Kojima decided to share his top 5 favorite characters in Metal Gear history during an interview with IGN. Below are his picks:

1. Snake

2. Otacon

3. Raven

4. The End

5. The Sorrow

While, Raven, The End, and The Sorrow are cited as favorites for having unique boss battles, Kojima chose Snake for his heroic nature and Otacon for being someone everyone can relate to.

Kojima also shared that he originally wanted The End to be a week-long boss fight in order to make it as epic of a sniper duel as possible. He eventually realized that it’d be too much for the player and designed the encounter to be lengthy without taking an inordinate amount of time.

So, what are you favorite characters in the franchise? Let us know in the comments below.