Final Fantasy Tactics’ Spiritual Successor Might Come to PS4

Launched onto Kickstarter last week, Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians is a promising spiritual successor to Final Fantasy Tactics, equipped with a designer and composer who worked on the legendary strategy RPG. While initially its crowd fund was only aimed at bringing the game to PC and handhelds, Sony might win a big console exclusive with its release.

Following overwhelming request by gamers on Unsung Heroes‘ Kickstarter page, Playdek has added PS4 support as a new stretch goal. Below are the new stretch goals:

  • $1 million: PS Vita port
  • $1.25 million: PS4 port
  • $1.5 million: 3DS port

Whether or not the fund reaches its goal of $600,000 there will be an iOS and Android version. However, it’s very likely to reach its primary goal spurring a version for PC, Mac, Windows Tablets, and Linux.

The game currently stands at about two-thirds of its goal with 23 days to go. Reaching 1.25 million won’t be easy, but would be huge for strategy RPG fans and especially those who grew up during the PS1 days and are now stuck to their PS4. Some forget that the original Final Fantasy Tactics was on PS1, although its The War of the Lions PSP port would fare extremely well 10 years later.

Unsung Heroes: Tale of the Guardians looks to be birthed from the same DNA as the ever-popular Final Fantasy Tactics. Its medieval-fantasy style setting housing rewarding strategic combat is something the next-gen scene could benefit greatly from.


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