free games

Free Play: This Week’s Featured Free Games 10/27/2018

Photo: EA

Yet another week in video games is over! Now it’s time to put your feet up and enjoy some video games. Assuming you don’t have to work or do chores this weekend, why don’t you help yourself to some free games? This is the latest edition of Free Play, which brings you the new free-to-play games and demos every week. Let’s dive on in!

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

The silver lining of the Battlefield 5 delay is that it gives players more time to experience Battlefield 1. Yeah, it would be nice to have a new game to play, but at least BF1 now has a ton of free downloadable content. If you hurry, you’ll be able to nab the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass for absolutely free. That’s a bunch of new maps to play on, along with new weapons and other content to experience. Get it downloaded, installed, and then go to war!

Origin Access Free Trial (PC)

The EA Origin Access subscription service offers a huge catalog of games for PC players to indulge in. This usually costs $5 per month, but during Oct. 25 to 31, it’s completely free to all. Just download the Origin client and go enjoy the Battlefield franchise, the Dead Space trilogy, Dragon AgeMass Effect, and much more! It’s honestly a great deal at full price, so at the low cost of $0, it’s a steal!

PUBG Free BP and Headphones Beanie (PC)

Following some severe issues plaguing the PlayerUnknown’s Battleground game, the developer has offered an apology in the form of free BP and a cosmetic item. To claim 20,000 BP and a black beanie with headphones, players will need to sign in and add the items to their inventory on the main menu. Whether or not you were personally affected by the issues, you’ll still be able to claim the loot!


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