There’s A ‘Star Wars 7’ Boycott Because It Promotes “White Genocide” And “Race Mixing”

Because white people are afraid of everything now, #BoycottStarWarsVII is currently trending on Twitter, because racist nerds don’t want a black guy in a movie where a white guy wanted to bang his sister once. Ready for some hot takes?!

Let’s forget for a second that Darth Vader was black and the entire clone Army was Maori, because they had on masks, so that was cool. We didn’t have to see them. Whew. amirite?! But we also had Lando and Mace Windu, and unless it was just really great makeup, they were black. And Yoda was obviously black. Or had a black grandma from South Carolina. I guess the only bright side to this is that all the mass shooters will stay at home.


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