Justin Timberlake Wants To Play The Riddler

If the Internet imploded over WB's decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman, Twitter might start dropping chemical weapons on Hollywood if another shitty actor to play the iconic villain, The Riddler. Yes, Justin Timberlake is a shitty actor. Sorry 'bout it. E! Online reports:

On Tuesday, Aug. 27, Justin some with Fresh 102.7's Jim and Kim Show about his Runner Runner costar being cast in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel. "Ben Affleck as Batman, I like it," he said. "I worked with Ben last summer and I've seen his process. I think he's a brilliant filmmaker. I think he's an extreme talent so he could surprise a lot of people." But when Justin was asked if he'd want to play Robin, he answered with a laugh, "Not a chance in hell," clarifying, "I ain't playin' Robin. I have no aspiration to ever be a superhero in a movie. Now VILLAIN! Ill tell you the villain I want to play more than anything because I grew up loving Batman, funny enough, is the Riddler. The Riddler is my favorite villain." "The Riddler was like a sociopath," he added. "He was proper crazy. So if I'm gonna play crazy, I'm wanna play proper crazy." "I'm ready," he said. "The Riddler. Gimme a call."

Justin Timberlake was born a flamboyant, gay cowboy then joined a boy band formed by a child molester. After that, he found a Michael Jackson instructional dance video and was introduced to black producers, and now he's a the "sexy soul singer" that we all know today. That deserves an acting Oscar by itself, but he also thinks he's an actual actor, because let's be honest, Tara Reid is also an actor. Anybody can do it. But, I've checked, and The Riddler isn't really a character in a romantic comedy and he doesn't go on tour with Jay Z to pretend he's black for two hours every night. He's Dexter if Dexter really enjoyed playing Clue. He does wear a unitard, so maybe that explains the interest.