Amanda Bynes Is Completely Insane, Pt. 4,721

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Amanda Bynes was forced to move out of her NYC apartment or face eviction because she refused to stop smoking weed all over the building, but we can’t blame the below blockquote on weed. Page Six reports:

The weird ways of Amanda Bynes continue to mystify New Yorkers. The eccentric actress’ neighbors at the downtown building she recently vacated under threat of eviction tell us Bynes had an open-door policy. “Her door was left open all the time,” said one who added, “And we saw that she put red [lightbulbs] in every outlet.” The former Nickelodeon star was seen coming down to the lobby “at 2 a.m. one morning, laughing hysterically for four minutes” and then “went back to her apartment.” The source added, “She was really nice at first. She knocked on some doors and introduced herself and wanted to hang out, but then she started acting weird.”

If Amanda Bynes still looks remotely like she does in her banner picture, if I lived in that building, she could knock on my door at any time. She’s crazy, so I could tell her my semen would make her telepathic and anal would make marijuana legal in New York. Or something like that. I really haven’t had time to think this through.