Charlie Sheen Gave $75K To A Little Girl’s Cancer Fund

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BREAKING: A positive Charlie Sheen story. TMZ reports:

Charlie was recently having a conversation with a Hermosa Beach police officer (don’t worry he was not being arrested) and learned about a cop whose 10-year-old daughter Jasmine had been diagnosed with Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma. FYI — CR is a nasty form of cancer that occurs in the muscle tissue and requires over a year of expensive medical treatments like chemo and radiation therapy. We’re told … Charlie told the officer, “No parent should have to watch their kid go through that” … and vowed to help. The next day Charlie fired off a check for $75,000 to the Hermosa Beach Police Assoc. — which had started a fund in Jasmine’s honor.

Say whatever you bad stuff you want about Charlie Sheen, and since that would probably take all day, so we’ll just congratulate Sheen on his recent hobby of passing out money to females who will probably die soon.