Adele Went On Vacation With Her New Boyfriend

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So I guess we can expect 23 some timesoon then? Page Six reports:

Adele and Simon Konecki were spotted in the Everglades National Park, getting on an airboat for an alligator-spotting tour. Adele wore a printed caftan over black leggings and had a smile across her face as Konecki, in a red hoodie, embraced her. Konecki then pulled the “Rolling in the Deep” singer in for a kiss.

I bet he’s really handsome.

Konecki, 36, operates an English charity called Drop4Drop. He is stocky and sports a full beard. But it may be his sense of humor that drew Adele to him. In a recent interview with trade publication The Grocer, Konecki was asked which celebrity he would hire to work for his company. “Snoop Dogg,” replied Konecki. “To answer the phones with his dulcet tones.” He is a dead ringer for hairy Hangover actor Zach Galifianakis — who Adele told The Sun she fancied last year. Simon, 36 — boss of Brighton-based charity Drop4Drop — joined Londoner Adele on a trip to the Everglades National Park near Miami. He made her giggle as they strolled on a beach before boarding an alligator-spotting airboat. So it’s no wonder she snapped him up. Adele, whose split from a previous boyfriend inspired her biggest hits, also told The Sun: “If they make me laugh, I’m in the bed.” (ed.’s note: Ladies?)

I like how the article thinly suggests that Adele’s boyfriend is ugly and fat yet she only condescended to go out with him because he makes her laugh. Yep, that’s the only reason. She could have her pick of male models or A-list actors, but she just wants the guy who makes her laugh. Totally. It couldn’t have anything do with the fact that they probably just closed down a Cracker Barrel together before they got on the airboat. Let’s not get carried away here, New York Post.

Note: Also, there’s really no need to include the phrase “Adele wore black leggings” in any more of your articles. That part was already assumed.