Michael Bay Is Being Sued

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Two men are suing director Michael Bay, not because they paid to see Transformers 2, because Bay’s bodyguard is a T-1000 when he drinks.

In a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ … Joshua Stewart and Paul Klimczak claim on August 24, 2008, they were at Kiss Nightclub when they got into a scuffle with a man they claim is Bay’s private security guard. According to the suit, the man was intoxicated … yet the club — also a defendant — continued to serve him alcohol. The suit claims club security kicked the plaintiffs out along with the security guard, placing them in close proximity with each other. The dispute continued outside the club when the plaintiffs claim they tried to just walk away. It was then, they say, when Bay’s security guard struck them in the head with a handgun, rendering both of them unconscious. The plaintiffs were taken by ambulance to a hospital, where they were treated for broken teeth, broken bones, facial contusions and other injuries. They say Bay’s security guard left the scene. The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, does not reveal what started the fight.

This happened in 2008, so these guys had two years to come up with a better story than this. It should have included an actual Decepticon or a boxing kangaroo because getting pistol whipped by the guy who protects the dude who directed Armageddon probably isn’t something you’d wanna tell people.

Note: Is it me or does Michael Bay look like he should be playing keytar in a Phil Collins cover band?