Elin Nordegren Only Got $100M

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Back in May, it was reported that Tiger Wood’s wife, Elin Nordegren was content to leave Tiger Woods looking like this guy, by demanding a $750M divorce settlement, full custody of their two children, and a no confidentiality clause that would leave her free to reap untold fortunes by writing a tell-all book. None of that is happening.

As one source with direct knowledge of the terms of the divorce tells TMZ, “She’ll be getting close to $100,000,000.” There have been reports Elin would score $750 million, but we have confirmed that figure is wrong. Indeed, as we first reported, Tiger is not even worth $750 million. We’re told his net worth is somewhere between $500 and $600 million. Sources say Elin will receive child support, but we do not know the specific amount. As for the $100 million figure … this is not speculation … it comes from sources with direct knowledge of the property settlement agreement.

Just so we’re clear, what Tiger Woods did was beyond fucked up. On the other hand, just because you passed two humans through your vagina, you aren’t entitled to $750M for your troubles. That being said, would I marry Tiger Woods, let him impregnate me, then stand idly by why he bangs a warehouse full of whores for $100M? Why, yes. Yes I would.