Kelly Clarkson Is Very Grateful

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In June 2007, Kelly Clarkson released her third album, My December, in which she wrote all the songs. The head of Sony-BMG, Clive Davis, said the album sucked prior to it’s release and told Clarkson that she should scrap the entire album and perform songs written by known hitmakers. Clarkson refused. The album produced two singles, Never Again and Sober. Both singles got poor radio airplay and were pulled from station’s rotations within weeks. You’d think she’d learn by know, right? Um, no not really. Popeater reports:

Kelly Clarkson is mad as hell, and she’s not going to take it anymore … but she will sing about it! The ‘American Idol’ queen has always maintained a cool-and-collected public persona, though with her new tune, she’s making it clear that she’s not exactly happy with her record label and a songwriter(s?). In her new tune, ‘Wash, Rinse, Repeat,’ Clarkson rails against the music industry, and even makes veiled metaphors to a situation last year where she was accused of ripping off a Beyonce song, which she later put the blame on her songwriter for. The song, lyrics and backstory after the jump! In Clarkson’s new tune (which is admittedly pretty roughly produced and probably wasn’t meant to leak), she sings that she “Can’t take the pressure of new / Give me old, flip it off let’s see if it sticks to the wall again … Give it to them, they will never notice, so what’s stopping us? / Does it sound familiar, does it linger in your ear like something you remember from just last year…?”

If she’s worried about artistic integrity, maybe she shouldn’t have entered a glorified karaoke contest. Just sayin. During his 40 year career, Clive Davis discovered and/or signed such artists as Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Whitney Houston, Janis Joplin, Alicia Keys and Christina Aguilera. During her career, Kelly Clarkson signed Cracker Barrel receipts. Under Clive Davis, CBS doubled its market share in three years. Kelly Clarkson doubled her caloric intake. It’s no wonder these two giants of the music business clashed. They’re just too much alike.