“Harry Potter Took My Legs!”

This guy on the left, Harry’s (Daniel Radcliffe’s) stunt double David Holmes is is bad shape. David was rehearsing a flying scene involving an explosion for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in January when he plummeted to the ground. He remained conscious but told crew members: ‘I can’t feel my legs.’ He was taken to hospital as fears grew that he had suffered a paralyzing back injury.

Now this from the Mirror:

Harry Potter stuntman David Holmes has been told it is likely he will never walk again.

David, 28, damaged his spine when a stunt for new film The Deathly Hallows went horribly wrong.

He has been unable to move his legs, hands or arms in the past two months.

A friend said: “Doctors have told him he only has a five per cent chance of recovering movement in his arms and legs. He’s devastated but if there is a chance of him walking again I’m sure he will.”

David’s grandad Charles Case added: “It’s right David has been told he has little chance of walking again. It’s very upsetting.”

Accio wheelchair!