Christian Bale is Nice

Days before he allegedly assaulted his mother (it was her fault, by the way), Christian Bale reportedly flew into a rage on the set of Terminator Salvation. Friends close to the actor say that Bale has become on edge over the problems in his marriage and depressed over Heath Ledger’s death. Uh oh, looks like somebody needs to double their dosage. TMZ reports:

TMZ spies tell us Bale was on the set last Friday shooting “Terminator 4” at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. During a scene, Shane Hurlbut (seriously), director of cinematography, screwed up a shot — at least in Christian’s mind. We’re told Bale went ballistic, screaming “I will kick your ass” along with other choice remarks. Several hundred people heard the outburst — including Military Police — which was described as “intense.” We’re told Bale was “extremely tired and having a bad day.”

I don’t want to speak for Bale, but I’d like to think that if I was in a movie directed by McG, I would try to kill somebody, too. Preferably the guy in front of me at Boston Market yesterday who took all the creamed spinach. That’s right, asshole. Remember me? That’s too bad. Because I remember your license plate number.

Christian Bale leaving the Belgravia Police station yesterday:

Photos: Splash