John Travolta is Lying … and Gay

In response to gay-rights activists who plan to boycott the remake of openly gay director John Waters’ 1988 cult classic Hairspray because John Travolta is a Scientologist, Travolta claims that there is nothing gay about the movie. Kevin Naff, managing editor of the Washington Blade and leader of the boycott says:

Travolta, a prominent Scientologist, has no business reprising an iconic gay role, given his [religion’s] stance on gay issues.”

Travolta, whose role in the upcoming film was originally played by drag queen and gay icon, Divine, says:

There is nothing gay in this movie. I’m not playing a gay man…Scientology is not homophobic in any way. In fact it’s one of the more tolerant faiths. Anyone’s accepted.”

Self-serving quotes aside, Scientology hates all gays. All gays except millionaire gays, like John Travolta, who has been barricaded in the closet so long now it’s the stuff of Hollywood legend. You could have a son and raise him as a girl on a deserted island and he would still be able to describe a vagina better that John Travolta.

Hairspray stuff:



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