Jennifer Lopez is demanding and clueless

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I haven’t killed that many people, maybe 8 or 9. And technically I guess they weren’t really “people”. A biologist might label them as “teddy bears”, but I totally beat the crap out of them is my point. Blood – or “stuffing” – was everywhere once my hissyfit vengeance was finished, so let this be a lesson to Jennifer Lopez, cause I’m really getting tired of her crap. Just like I did with Paddington.

Her latest insanity, courtesy of IMDb:

Jennifer Lopez is so unhappy with her accommodation and on set trailer while filming Bordertown, she has demanded a luxury motor home and a private villa. (Lopez) is starring in the low budget movie shooting in Mexico as a favor to (Selena) director Gregory Nava … but she still demands to live in luxury … “She doesn’t realize this is an independent movie – as in no studio is attached – and there is no one to pay her outrageous bills.” And her superstar requirements don’t stop there – Lopez is determined her hairdressers $10,000-a-day charge be taken out of Bordertown’s budget … The source continues, “The shit is going to hit the fan when she is told no one can pay for (her hairdresser) … (Co-star) Antonio Banderas isn’t asking for anything, but she is!”

I’m going to do every producer in Hollywood a favor and point out that JLo has been in 18 movies and not one has cracked 100 million, so there’s absolutely no reason to put up with her idiot behavior and confusing arrogance. And if you do, you deserve what you get, which is disappointing box-office and unending demands. I guess this guy liked her cause she did a good Selena impression, but how hard is that considering no one knows who the hell Selena was. I do a good Selena impression too. But to be honest, once I dug up her grave, the rest was pretty easy.