Starz to air Catwoman

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As part of their tribute to Black History Month, Starz is running Catwoman, which is a great choice cause that movie really gets to the heart of the black experience. They should probably only air it for the first two weeks of Black History Month since she’s only half black but I’m willing to overlook that because the film is that damn good. The movies only flaw is that no one ever seems to figure out that Halle Berry is Catwoman. She’s the only sister in the whole damn town, but no one ever guesses that the hottie secretary who was all lips, hips and ass is also the hottie superhero who was all lips, hips and ass. Do people in that town see Halle walk away and think, “hey, there’s our only black girl,” and then Catwoman would show up, “oh, I guess I was wrong.” Especially since that mask only covered like 5 percent of her face. Sometimes I wear sunglasses and a hat, yet my friends still seem to recognize me. They don’t all faint and scream and point and say “it was you all along” when I take them off.