Woman Distracted By Phone Walks Right Into Automated Parking Lift And It Doesn’t End Well

Photo: germi_p (Getty)

I’m not the smartest dude out there, that is a fact. But please allow me to give you one bit of advice: keep your eyes up when you’re out and about. Pretty simple advice that everyone should take, especially the woman in this story.

CCTV footage was able to capture the moment a woman in China walks into an automated car park after being distracted by her phone. The video shows the moment the woman takes the lift into the basement before being hit by a car in what has to be the most consecutive bad decisions I’ve ever seen someone make on video.

Check out the crazy footage below of the woman that occurred at Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital.


“She is looking at her phone the whole time and walks into the lift after a car drives out,” Mr Yu, a technician working at the automated car park, said.

It is believed the woman was taking a shortcut from the car park into the hospital for an appointment.

The woman survived the hit, but she suffered some minor injuries to her ankles after being trapped under the wheel. A security guard was able to press on the emergency stop button as soon as the incident happened.

A spokesperson for the car park doesn’t believe anyone is at fault for the incident. Here’s what he said:

“The hospital is offering free parking these few days, which attracted a lot of people to park their cars here. We only have two security guards on site, and we believe it’s the lack of staff that caused the incident.”

This dude is wrong. The woman is at fault because she wasn’t bright enough to look up while walking.

h/t Daily Mail

Another bad choice: Lady Falls Down Open Basement Door While On Cellphone


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