For MY Money: What We Want In The Next Gaming Consoles

Black man playing video game. Photo: Inti St Clair (Getty).

Game consoles sure have come a long way since blowing into cartridges or praying to the heavens that nobody brushed against your Nintendo to cause a reset and loss of your saved game progress. Believe me, I still have the scars. But that’s all fixed now! Today’s gaming consoles have become a one-stop shop for all of our entertainment needs. We can watch Blu-rays on them. We can stream all of our favorite apps right from the console. Heck, now we can even save our game progress in the Cloud. So surely, we should be content with how things have grown, right? Nahhh. As consumers, gamers need to be wooed. Not just by software, but hardware, too. Since another upgrade cycle seems likely, we’ve taken the liberty of coming up some key features that we’d love to see in the next gaming console iteration, at least for my money. So please, hardware developers, if you’re out there, read this first, execute it, then shut up and take our money.

The Next Gaming Consoles Need These 8 Incentives

While we’re on the subject of subtle gaming tweaks: 7 Franchise Reboots That Should Have Been Video Games Instead