Man Poses For Photo With Deadly Cobra, Gets Bitten And Dies Hours Later

Photo: LiveLeak

While this idiot found out what happens when you try to take a selfie with a shark, a poor man In India lost his life tragically after being bitten by a deadly cobra while trying to take a photo.

The man, Baburam Jakhar, was in the Jodhpur District this past Sunday, when a snake charmer named Inderam Suthar, attempted to put a deadly cobra around his neck in order for Jakhar to take a photo with it. Deadly cobra? Picture? Those things aren’t two things you want to put together, and unfortunately for Jakhar he learned that the hard way, as the cobra took a bite of the man’s cheek.

Jakhar didn’t seem to notice the bite at first, but moments later he is seen checking his cheek over and over again, all while the snake charmer continues to try and “wow” the crowd.

Take a look at the incident below thanks to LiveLeak. You can see the snake bite the man in the cheek at around 0:35, and the man finally realize something is wrong at about 0:57.

Just a few minutes later, Jakhar starts losing consciousness, but instead of a hospital, the snake charmer takes him to a nearby temple where a medicine man resides. After his condition worsen, Jakhar was finally taken to a hospital. Two hours later. But it was too late.

Suthar the snake charmer was arrested, and according to Indian Express, a case under section 304 of IPC (causing death by negligence) has been registered.

And in case you were eager to take a photo with a cobra, just know that according to the University of Michigan, cobras have several methods for delivering venom to their prey. They can spit poison into your eyes, which may cause blindness. Or they can just bite you, and their venom can spread into your bloodstream causing paralysis, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, or in the case of this poor guy, death.

Why? Guess What Happened When This Guy Tried To Take A Selfie With A Python


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