‘Roided Out’ Cop Shuts Down Trashy Girl Fight At IHOP, Loses His Mind (NSFW)

Photo: YouTube

How many Red Bulls did this cop have?

Remember a few days ago we told you about a cop that took down a bat-swinging idiot with an awesome tackle? Well the cop in this video just decided to shut everything down by yelling at the top of his lungs and waving around a taser.

The incident in the video below occurred at an IHOP in, you guessed it, Fort Meyers, Florida. From what we can tell three trash bags decided to jump one girl, and then everyone lost their mind, as chaos erupted. Cops arrived and tried to take control, but that didn’t happen until one completely roided out cop stormed in, taser in hand, and ready to play out his tough cop fantasy.

Take a look at the NSFW (language) video below, and make sure to start it at 2:20 to see the cop walk in.

‘Roided Out’ Cop Shuts Down Trashy Girl Fight At IHOP, Loses His Mind (NSFW)

I’m pretty sure that cop just destroyed my eardrums. Sure, he shut everything down, and the situation was handled, but man, this dude got off on this it seems.

Here’s what Police tactics expert David Grossi had to say about the situation.

“The operative word in law enforcement is force…and it’s not pretty to watch but it’s necessary when you’re dealing with individuals who don’t respond to verbal commands. I think that’s what made people feel a little queasy, because he dropped the F-bomb. They are like ‘oh my God, he is using high levels of force, unnecessary force.’ Well the language, yes, was inappropriate but that’s all it was, was language.”

Well, here’s hoping the other folks got to enjoy their pancakes.

h/t Bro Bible

On to Waffle House now: Look At The Crazy, Pointless Brawl That Happened At Waffle House (NSFW Language)


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