Seven Miguel Ferrer Performances We Will Never Forget

One of the great character actors of a generation has left us. Miguel Ferrer, the star of RoboCop and NCIS: Los Angeles, died today of throat cancer. He was 61 years old.

The gravely voiced actor was known for playing hard-bitten characters, villains and badasses who could shout down a crowd with his sheer force of personality. In some cases, like in Twin Peaks and On the Air, this quality of his was funny as hell. In other other roles, like in The Night Flier or NCIS: Los Angeles, his seriousness imbued even the most unusual situations with reality.

Miguel Ferrer was the son of veteran actor Jose Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac) and iconic singer Rosemary Clooney (“Mambo Italiano”), and the cousin of actor/director George Clooney. His lengthy career seemed to be on the upswing in recent years, with a recurring role in the hit television series NCIS: Los Angeles and an upcoming return to his classic character Albert Rosenfield in Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival, which is due to premiere on May 21, 2017.

Actors like Miguel Ferrer don’t come along very often, and his absence will soon be felt in films and television shows which would obviously benefit from his particular, ineffable presence. We will miss the hell out of Miguel Ferrer, but we will never forget him. To honor the actor we now present seven particularly memorable roles that will stick with us, forever.

Rest in peace, sir.

Seven Miguel Ferrer Performances We Will Never Forget:

Top Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS via Getty Images

William Bibbiani (everyone calls him ‘Bibbs’) is Crave’s film content editor and critic. You can hear him every week on The B-Movies Podcast and Canceled Too Soon, and watch him on the weekly YouTube series Most CravedRapid Reviews and What the Flick. Follow his rantings on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.