When You Replace The Word ‘Wand’ With ‘Penis’ In Harry Potter Books, Magic Happens

Even after all these years, Harry Potter is still relevant and being talked about. And it will continue to be talked about if people continue to do things like replace words in the passages with naughtier words because we are all 12-years-old at heart.

The interesting folks on Tumblr thought it would be a fun idea to replace “wand” with “penis,” since Harry was so busy trying to save everyone from a snake-like dude he never found time to get laid. For shame.

Take a look at what what happens when maturity flies out the window. Fun, indeed:

Here’s more:

That’s one powerful penis, Harry.

Via The Lad Bible

Here’s some more laughs at the expense of the boy wizard: The Absolute Funniest Harry Potter Tweets Of All Time