Charlize Theron is Weird and Boring

Charlize Theron was at the New York restaurant, La Esquina, Monday night and absolutely thrilled patrons with an impromptu fashion show. Uh, not really. Page Six reports:

…Spies outside downtown eatery La Esquina saw the star “putting on a show . . . catwalking in front of the restaurant.” One bystander asked, “What’s wrong with her?” Another told Page Six, “She was doing that walk for almost five minutes.” The crowd was soon bored, however, and conversation turned to whispers that Penelope Cruz was inside at a much more subdued table.”

Let me preface this by saying Charlize Theron is almost breathtakingly beautiful, but so was Nikki, the professional cheerleader/model/dolphin trainer/assassin I created in The Sims. Meaning, it’s hard to tell the difference between the two. Sure she’s hot, but Charlize looks like synthetic robot from the future. If she was standing in front of me naked I wouldn’t know whether to pull down my pants or go warn John Connor.

Charlize at the Christian Dior 2008 Cruise Collection Fashion Show on May 14: