Female Armpit Hair Is Becoming Quite Popular

According to the New York Post, female armpit hair is “getting its moment,” with women on Instagram showing off their hairy underarms and celebs on the red carpet flaunting it as well. Here’s a photo that illustrates both:

That’s Instagram user and 30-year-old mom Katherine Anne True on the left, and “Girls” actress Jemima Kirke on the right. Both of them are rocking some serious pit hair. Other celebs who have joined in on this movement include Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and of course Madonna, who famously posted a “Long hair…. Don’t Care!!!!” picture on Instagram last year showing off her hairiness (which you can see below).

Like it or not, this trend is picking up steam, with more and more women proudly posting their no-shave photos on social media. According to beauty site Refinery29 editor Maria Del Russo, the statement they’re all making is this: “What one woman decides to do with her body hair is her business, and hers alone. For plenty of women, it’s just hair.”

Here are some more of these women (including Madonna):

Photos via Instagram