A Bunch Of Graduates Took Senior Pictures At Taco Bell This Year

In an age where everything is posted on the internet for all to see, creative senior photos have become a way to stand out from the bunch and from the usual. While tons of graduates are posing in the usual setting, some have gone out of their way to pose with their first love: Taco Bell.

Take a look at some senior photos at Taco Bell, and have yourself a taco afterwards on me (on yourself, because I’m a poor college graduate).

2,160 days for a handshake and a piece of paper. but everything was worth it

A photo posted by Evannnn® (@evanforaker) on


And let’s not forget the gal that started it all:

Thanks for the memories.

Now check some of these quotes out: 17 Yearbook Quotes That Prove Our Future Isn’t Totally Screwed