Bird Gets Lost In Galapagos Islands And Accidentally Starts New Species

Photo: Andrew Peacock (Getty)

I believe the centaur had a similar story.

According to the New York Post, scientists have been studying an interesting species of bird on a remote island that sits amongst the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean for the last 36 years. What makes this bird so unique that it requires so much supervision over such a long period of time?

You guessed it – it’s an entirely new species of bird.

The story of how the “Big Birds” came to be is a rather interesting one, and it all begins with one cactus finch from an island 60 miles away who lost its way and wound up on the island of Daphne Major. Rather than just sit around throw rocks into the sea, this one bird decided to “find a mate among the native finch species, resulting in hybridized offspring that were a mix of the two.”

Of course, when it came time for those finches to prolong the new “Big Bird” species, none of them could sing either of the other finch’s mating songs, so the only birds available for procreation were brothers and sisters. And now, “six generations later, the hybrids are their very own established species.”

Photo: John Freeman (Getty)

So there you have it. Just like Game of Thrones, it call comes down to incest in the end.

And speaking of birds: Twitter User Makes Bizarre Realization About Big Bird’s Name And Freaks Everyone Out