The Primaries | #Red Red Reign

If you haven’t yet been introduced to buffalo print (red & black check), you need to become acquainted, stat. It’s a wardrobe staple for a few main reasons: understated cool, and super wearable, meaning it looks good with just about anything. Toss on one of these comfy shirts with jeans, and you’re ready for Thursday night drink specials. Take a tie iteration, like this one from J.Crew, paired with a denim button down, and you’re set for the office. 

While integrating some of this primary into your wardrobe is easy with buffalo print, it may also call something else to your attention: you look good in red. Step outside of your black and navy wardrobe box, and flag down some attention. Whether you side step your way into your new favorite color with some kicks, or go head to toe, we promise you will enjoy your red reign.


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