This Idiot Couldn’t Even Deliver This Tasteless Pickup Line Correctly On Tinder

Photo: Westend61 (Getty)

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Tinder is boiling puddle of hot garbage, and that’s why we enjoy hanging on there. Because if we didn’t we wouldn’t have seen this guy say this lowbrow remark at a woman, and we also wouldn’t have read the epic burn this guy did in response to a girl’s comment about only liking tall guys. But then there are people who take it far. Take for example the guy below.

Check out how this idiot named Gavin decided to open up a conversation, in what has to be the worst pickup line ever. Hell, the guy even included typos, which makes it even more cringeworthy. Take a look at it below thanks to imgur.

This Idiot Couldn’t Even Deliver This Tasteless Pickup Line Correctly On Tinder

The “combine.” Come on now. If you’ve decided to go with this trash bag of a pickup line, at least use correct spelling, because not only are you a vile fool, but you’re a totally vile fool and idiot. Good going, Gavin.

But sometimes things go OK on Tinder: Guy Discovers Hot Girl’s Tinder Profile Picture Was Taken In His Bathroom, And He’s Never Met Her Before


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