Lose That Stress With Stress Balls That Actually Look Like Testicles

Photo: Jan Greune / LOOK-foto (Getty)

And here you were thinking that the alarm clock that wakes you up with an orgasm was the pinnacle of innovation, but guess what? You were dead wrong. Because a Spanish communications agency has created some stress balls that look like testicles. What an age to be alive.

“It is possible to be productive while you touch the balls,” the awesomely perverted company explained. “Its suspension rate generates a Euclidean curve [which] relaxes and provides those seconds of escape that we all need from time to time.”

So if you want to be the talk of your office (or anywhere, really) get a pair of testicles you can squeeze. You can get these pink gems here.

Happy squeezing.

h/t Lost At E Minor

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