That ‘Random’ Hole Next To Your iPhone Camera Is Actually A Noise Canceling Microphone

Since the most important things about iPhones are being able to text and being able to use all those emojis, we sometimes overlook other functions that they slip in when they come out with a “new” version and charge you hundreds of dollars. So did you ever wonder what that tiny hole next to the back camera is?

It’s a microphone. Take this moment to look at the back of your iPhone now. OK, good. Your iPhone comes with a total of three microphones, and the one near your back camera is a noise canceling one, and it helps receive the audio more accurately.

And hell, all that money you spent on your phone led to this: The front and back microphones also clear up audio when you take all the videos you take on Snapchat, and when you use Siri once in a blue moon.

Wow, Apple! What else will you do with your billions and billions of dollars?!

Via Diply

Hope you knew this, too: If You Didn’t Know This About Your Iphone, Go Back To A Flip Phone


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