Watch a Floppy Disk Orchestra Play the Pokemon Theme Song

The Floppotron are back, and this time they’ve got more floppy disk drives. The computer hardware “orchestra” first shot to internet fame 4 years ago, after uploading a video Star Wars’ iconic Imperial March played entirely using floppy disk drives. Now the channel has made a glorious comeback, with ‘The Floppotron 2.0’ taking viewer requests for their new line-up of unique covers.

One of the first requests on their list was the Pokemon theme song, inspired by the mammoth success of the mobile game Pokemon Go. The final product includes the theme being played with the help of 54 floppy disk drives, along with CD drives other computer hardware. The end result is a faithful and impressive rendition of the Pokemon anime series’ theme song.

YouTuber Paweł Zadrożniak, the brains behind The Floppotron, has largely been absent from the video-sharing site since garnering a modicum of online fame a few years ago. However, he’s now picked up exactly where he left off, with a video of his ‘Seven Nation Army’ cover also having gone viral last week. That video saw Pawel combine his computer hardware with more practical technology, such as a washing machine and microwave, in order to mimic the White Stripes track.

A still from The Floppotron’s ‘Seven Nation Army’ cover.

At this point it’s highly likely that you’re sick of all things Pokemon, but if you’re going to watch at least one video involving the endlessly recurring ’90s trend, then you should make it this one.

Check out the video below: