Weekend Dump 06.12.2016


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Well, fuck. It’s been a horrific 48 hours for the people of Orlando, because of the two things America holds most dear: guns and religion (religion’s always a close 2nd). So if you don’t want to read Bernie Sanders calling out Islamophobia while voting against background checks, and if you don’t want to read the GOP offering “thoughts and prayers” to the victims they’d be attempting marginalize if they were alive, and if you don’t want to read Trump supporters rejoice that the shooter wasn’t one of them even though he shot up a gay club on Latin night, here’s the Weekend Dump with a lot of pictures of butts. Let’s all cling to that instead. 

The Pulse shooter has been identified as Omar Mateen. Mateen was a 29-year old man born in Florida who believed the other invisible man in sky who wants his followers to kill gays with guns instead of legislation. Religion strikes again.