Blake Lively Really Doesn’t Appreciate You Making Woody Allen Rape Jokes

Blake Lively has fifth billing in Woody Allen‘s new film, Café Society, and it was selected to open the The 69th Cannes Film Festival. And as soon as that shit kicked off, host Laurent Lafitte yanked Allen’s soul out of his chest with a rape joke. Again, Blake Lively is in this movie. And when you do a Woody Allen movie, you’re gonna have microphones in your face and people tweeting at you a lot. So she talked to Variety

“I think any jokes about rape, homophobia or Hitler is not a joke,” Lively said on Thursday when asked about the incident by a Variety reporter. “I think that was a hard thing swallow in 30 seconds. Film festivals are such a beautiful, respectful festivals of film and artists and to have that, it felt like it wouldn’t have happened if it was in the 1940s. I can’t imagine Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby going out and doing that. It was more disappointing for the artists in the room that someone was going up there making jokes about something that wasn’t funny.”…“But it wasn’t just Woody,” Lively said of the material. “He made three homophobic comments in a row. A Hitler joke. And a rape joke. It was all within 30 seconds … What on Earth was happening? It was really confusing.”

Honestly, who is out here hiring Blake Lively? Before this she made a shark movie and had some sort of blog apparently only her friends read. Now she’s at Cannes. Like, what do you want her to say? We can all agree with Ronan Farrow all day, but we’d all also probably agree with  Kristen Stewart. Because when was the last time you sacrificed your work promotion over something bad that happened to somebody you didn’t know? And that’s why the world sucks most of the time. Nobody gives a shit about something except the people the something happened to. And if this doesn’t apply to you, your Facebook posts aren’t changing any minds. Sorry. Sad to say. Jesus, the woman was writing a blog. Can she live?

Also, dude.

“I never read anything about me,” Allen said. “These interviews I do, anything. I said everything I had to say about that whole issue in the New York Times. I have moved so far past it. I never think about it. I work. It’s worked for me. I’ve been very productive over the years by not thinking about myself. “I’ve said I was never going to comment on it again,” he added. “I could go on endlessly – then we’d just be going on endlessly. I’ve said everything I’ve had to say about it.”

Kinda hard to tell if Woody Allen truly believes he didn’t do anything wrong or isn’t convinced of your ability to prove it, huh? If I was making a movie, I’d cast him as a villain. You can’t buy that an acting class.