Rihanna Broke Lena Dunham’s Heart

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Lena Dunham, the creator and writer of a show that sounds exactly like what a show created and written by privileged 26-year old white girl with connected parents who has never worked a day in her life would sound like, did an interview with Alec Baldwin on his podcast “Here’s the Thing,” where she claims she’s not a fan of Rihanna anymore because she went back to Chris Brown. HuffPost Celebrity reports:

“[Being a role model] is amazing. It’s an amazing thing and it’s like, it’s a platform that you have to take seriously. Which is why sometimes it’s like I used to be really into Rihanna, that pop star, and then it’s like again, I don’t want to ever throw stones from my glass house, but I follow her on Instagram and I just think about how many little girls beyond what I could even comprehend are obsessed with Rihanna. Like you know, she left Barbados, she’s had this amazing career, she’s won a Grammy. “She’s talented. And then she gets back together with Chris Brown and posts a million pictures of them smoking marijuana together on a bed. And it cracks my heart in half in a way that makes me feel like I’m 95 years old.”

This is like a cool story bro like I read it and I was like I see what she’s saying because like I found this vintage cardigan and I want to go on an ironic bike ride and like o.m.g they like put whip in my frappuccino and like it’s worst like oh shut the fuck up. Girls is just Sex And The City with uglier chicks and a token black guy. It’s considered feminist because nobody watches to see you naked. If you were hot, it would be “exploiting women”. You look like a Florida day shift stripper who happens to have a trust fund. You could fit FOX News’ bubble in your much larger, elitist bubble. I’m sure Rihanna is up at night.


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