Erin Andrews Is Suing For $10 Million Because We Saw Her Naked

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In a lawsuit filed in Davidson County Circuit Court last week, ESPN broadcaster and piece of ass, Erin Andrews is suing Nashville’s West End Marriott Hotel and her convicted stalker Michael Barrett for $10 million claiming negligence, infliction of emotional distress and invasion of privacy over the 2008 incident in which Barrett removed her room’s peephole and videotaped her undressing. Sure. That seems reasonable. The Tennessean reports:

The lawsuit charges that Barrett called the Marriott and was told which room Andrews would be staying in and then rented the room next to her. Andrews was in Nashville in 2008 to cover a Vanderbilt University football game. The case garnered national attention when it first broke after the videos were leaked to the Internet. After removing or altering the peephole to her hotel room door, Barrett video recorded Andrews changing and posted the videos to the Web. “The unknowing and unwelcome filming of (Andrews) while she was changing and the further dissemination of unauthorized, private videos of (Andrews) in the hotel rooms has caused and continues to cause her great emotional distress and embarrassment,” the lawsuit states.

Ok, so Erin Andrews is hot and all, but $10 million? It costs $10 million to see her naked? Is this what we’re saying here? If this was Ashley Russell I could maybe understand, and I realize the economy is bad, but $10 million? Unless seeing her naked gives me psychic powers and an invisibility cloak in the mail, I know a lot of blonde girls who I could see naked for a lot less. I don’t know. I think I missed the whole point of this article anyway hey look somebody brought bagels in the office.


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