Jessica Biel Wants To Get Naked In A Movie Again

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Let’s face it, the only Oscar Jessica Biel will ever win is one like this if she can pop three balloons with a dart at the state fair, so finding a way to actually be in movies seems like a good idea. Us Magazine reports:

The 29-year-old actress told the Daily Mail that although her first attempt at nudity on the silver screen was a flop, she’d be willing to strip down again for the right role. In the straight to DVD film Powder Blue, Biel played a stripper trying to earn money to raise her terminally ill son. “It’s unfortunate,” she said of the film. “It was brutal for a while. There was so much more we put into it.” Justin Timberlake’s girlfriend admitted she cringed seeing the nude scenes from the film plastered over the internet, but she “wasn’t so scarred by the experience” that she “wouldn’t do it again.” “If a director I trusted came to me with an amazing opportunity and it felt organic, I would do it,” she says.

You can see the screencaps of Powder Blue here, and you can see her reaction when she first saw my penis here. And how she looked after we had sex here. I could go on and on like this for a while, but Hell On Wheels just came on so I kinda need to wrap this up. You understand.


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