Steven Spielberg Got Megan Fox Fired From Transformers

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Steven Spielberg made Jaws, E.T., Raiders of The Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, and Schindler’s List. But recently he made Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skulls, put up money for The Transformers franchise, and recently got a blowjob from J.J. Abrams in which he described as “super” and “a definite 8”. Now, Michael Bay reveals that Spielberg recent bad track record isn’t just an accident. The Daily Mail reports:

Steven Spielberg demanded Megan Fox be fired from the latest Transformers film after she insulted its director, it has been revealed. The Hollywood legend was outraged after the screen beauty compared Michael Bay to Hitler during a press interview. The 25-year-old actress was quickly dumped from the film and replaced by British model Rosie Huntington-Whitley. Fox had tried to claim she left the third in the series of the films to pursue other acting opportunities. But ahead of the July 4 premiere of Transformers 3 director Bay has revealed for the first time he was told to get rid of the actress. He said: ‘You know the Hitler thing. Steven (Spielberg) said, fire her right now.’

Uh oh. Somebody needs to put on his big boy Holocaust panties. But I guess if we’ve learned anything from this, it’s that the closest thing Megan Fox will get to Hollywood now is a Redbox.


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