Keira Knightley Was Robbed

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The flat of actress Keira Knightley was burglarized last week when thieves apparently late for a LAN party saw an opportunity. Mirror UK reports:

The thieves made off with two laptop computers after entering the Pirates Of The Caribbean star’s flat in central London. Knightley, 25, is thought to share the flat with her brother. She was not inside the property at the time. The burglary took place on October 26. It is believed that two other properties in the block of flats where she lives have also been targeted. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “Officers from Westminster are investigating a residential burglary at a flat. “It is believed to have occurred between 09:00 and 21:00 on 26 October 2010.”

It is also believed that I saw a spider last night then screamed and jumped on the couch, but that’s just mudslinging on the part of my opponent. The spider and I were playing hide and seek, you see.


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