Miley Cyrus Wants To Get Naked

Although she is only 15, industry insiders claim that Miley Cyrus wants to do more adult roles, and her pedo-riffic Vanity Fair shoot was just the beginning of her master plan. What’s next you ask? Starring in the film adaptation of Allison Burnett’s “Undiscovered Gyrl.” A film that will include drugs, sex, and lots of naked. MSNBC reports:

I challenge you to show me a child star who really made the transition to adulthood smoothly,” says one source. “Miley doesn’t have plans to leave showbiz any time soon, and to get that big ‘grown-up’ part, she needs to start looking like a grownup. That shoot helped.”….Cyrus is rumored to be interested in the lead role in “Undiscovered Gyrl,” the film version of Allison Burnett’s new novel. It’s still early for casting – Burnett’s agent Richard Abate has reportedly just begun shopping the manuscript to publishers and has yet to secure a deal for the film. However, a source close to the project says Cyrus is interested in the part, which would be that of “a lovable, lost suburban girl who descends into a life of reckless partying and promiscuity.” The source says if Cyrus did take the part, you’d be seeing a lot more of Cyrus than what appeared in the Vanity Fair photos. “There would definitely be nude scenes,” says the source.”

In addition to a naked 15 year old, I really hope the director throws in footage of me being raped by a rabid grizzly bear. You know, so he can fully be sure that I will never ever watch this movie.