Miley Cyrus is Mistaken

In a interview with Vanity Fair, Miley Cyrus says she wants to do a “younger, cleaner version of Sex and The City,” because obviously a show about four chicks trying to get laid is her favorite show. However, Miley’s version won’t have any sex, because she’s a virgin you see. FOX News says:

I like to think of myself as the girl that no one can get, that no one can keep in their hand,” she tells the magazine. As a testament to her virginity, Cyrus wears a purity ring. “Even at my age, a lot of girls are starting to fall,” she says, “and I think if [abstaining] is a commitment girls make, that’s great.”

So, this purity ring. I imagine she takes it off whenever she gives a handjob, right?

Miley Cyrus’ testament to her virginity: