Ashlee Simpson is Pregnant. For Real.

You’ve known for over a month that Ashlee Simpson is pregnant, so in the least surprising news of the year, Pete Wentz officially confirmed the pregnancy on his gay blog last night. Pete Wentz says:

While many have speculated about this, we wanted to wait until after the first trimester to officially confirm that we are expecting our first child,”…. “This is truly the most joyous time in our lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family.”

More joyous times and baby exploitation are ahead, because rumor has it that these two are trying to secure a reality show that will chronicle their marriage and Ashlee’s pregnancy. Yay. My only hope is that it will last at least last five seasons, so I can see little Pete, Jr. on his first day of school. That black nail polish and eyeliner are sure to make him a hit!


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